Tuesday, April 26, 2011


On Sunday, we went to the Meadowbrook lake/pond to walk around, and we introduced Z to honeysuckles. Let's see how he felt about that.

Hmm, what are those?
 Oh right, okay shove them up my nose then (that would be Jido's hand)
 Um, I'm not so sure I like that
 Perfect. They are lovely from a distance
Notice, the yellow shirt, I admit I had a slight freak-out moment the other night when Z handed me a bright yellow book and said "lellow." WHAT?! Did you just say lellow as in yellow? Where the world did you learn that? That leads me to an admission. Are you ready? I am often too tired and have too many things to do in the evenings to sit down and teach Z much of anything. I'm sorry but that's the truth, so when he says new things, I know they didn't come from me. I'm still trying to figure this one out. I'm down to child prodigy or he learned it at school (leaning strongly toward the former).

Monday, April 25, 2011

Neighborhood Egg Hunt

On Saturday, our neighborhood held an Easter Egg Hunt to benefit the Hope for Gabe Foundation. We were excited to take part  in a fun event for a good cause. The hunt was one street over from ours, so we took Z in the wagon. This is him pointing out his elbow for me (close enough).
Taking it all in!
 A couple of full body shots before the hunt began
Waiting patiently
 We saw some friends a the hunt
 Z's first push pop. I think he liked it.
 It didn't take him long to catch on. Pick up an egg.
 Or two.
 And bring it over

 He wasn't going to let even one get away.
 On the way home with the loot.
After the hunt, we went to Jim N' Nick's for hamburgers and then home to take a nap! It was a beautiful day. We enjoyed every minute!

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Unintended Lessons

In trying to prepare Z for potty training, I have been trying to say "poo poo" whenever I think he's... well, poo pooing. This has not been very effective for two reasons: 1. Z doesn't really poop all that much and 2. he passes gas a lot. The result is that he now thinks passing gas is "poo poo." I came to this realization last night when he "made bubbles" in the tub and looked at me with a grin and said "poo poo." Great, I thought, that failed miserably.

Another unintentional lessons I have taught Z is the word (and hand motion) "Stop!" Which usually comes out as "Bot!" "Top!" or sometimes "Stop!" followed by laughter... Needless to say, this gets said many times throughout the day and clearly I am not being taken seriously.

In other new word news, he now says "outside" like "ow-siiiiii-d." He can make the animal sounds for a dog, sheep, snake, cow, owl, and lion/tiger. And he can point to his nose, eyes, mouth, teeth, ears, hair, belly button, and feet.

He seems to be learning new words every day, and can point out about 10 or 15 words in his First 100 Words book. Some new words are

Diaper (my new favorite, because it sounds like "Di-poo")

Shoes, which for some reason he says by blowing out through his nose and following with an "n" sound. It's kindof strange, especially when he is congested

I love you, which is usually "I wah wu" or "I luv"

This word stuff is probably not that interesting to most people, so I apologize. In other other news, he loves the iphone, particularly youtube videos of his favorite songs like Old McDonald and Twinkle Twinkle. When he watches the twinkle twinkle video he flaps his little arms like he's trying to fly. It is the sweetest thing ever!

He is all about letters and numbers. He pretends to count to five with you, and when you start it, I swear his eyes light up like he's just seen or heard the most wonderful thing on earth.

He still flashes his cheesy grin on command, which I think, is hilarious
 Oh and his upper molars are coming in, which has made brushing important as ever ;)

Thursday, April 14, 2011


Last week Z had to catch up on his Z's (I know, I'm funny). He went to bed right at 7, and we had to wake him up every morning at 7:30/7:45. If you don't already know, Z sleeps with this Winnie the Pooh.

I'm really not sure how this came to be, but it is. He doesn't have to have him at school, and he knows that Winnie lives in his bed, so I don't think we have any issues yet. I actually think it's pretty cute. Exhibits A and B below:

In case you can't tell, Winnie is right under Z's belly, which proves detrimental for Winnie on leaky diaper nights, but thankfully, this particular Winnie is sold at Wal-mart for 5 dollars. My boy's a cheap date.

Monday, April 11, 2011

Z's Entourage

We have been busy bees lately. Nick's mom stayed for a week after we got back from Vegas and took great care of Z and us. We had a lot of fun while she was here and on Saturday finally managed to get out of the house to go to the Botanical Gardens. It was a beautiful day, so we let Z walk around and we all followed. I wish  that were an exaggeration, but it's true. He walked freely while myself, the hubs, my parents, Nick's mom, and Faris followed him around. That's 6 people and 1 baby if you're counting. It was quite a scene. We went out to dinner both Friday and Saturday nights and stayed in to celebrate Nick's birthday on Sunday when Janet had to leave. I have a few pics from the botanical garden adventure. And adventure it was. I'm sure there must have been a couple of proms going on because there were lots of teens in their low-cut stylish interesting gowns taking pictures with their parents. I was struck at how the fashion has changed so little since the '90's when I went to prom (late '90's, but still, that makes me feel old). I hope by the time Z is old enough to go, he won't have to wear a satin turquoise vest and bow tie to match his date's turquoise gown.... Note: I never wore turquoise...