Monday, April 11, 2011

Z's Entourage

We have been busy bees lately. Nick's mom stayed for a week after we got back from Vegas and took great care of Z and us. We had a lot of fun while she was here and on Saturday finally managed to get out of the house to go to the Botanical Gardens. It was a beautiful day, so we let Z walk around and we all followed. I wish  that were an exaggeration, but it's true. He walked freely while myself, the hubs, my parents, Nick's mom, and Faris followed him around. That's 6 people and 1 baby if you're counting. It was quite a scene. We went out to dinner both Friday and Saturday nights and stayed in to celebrate Nick's birthday on Sunday when Janet had to leave. I have a few pics from the botanical garden adventure. And adventure it was. I'm sure there must have been a couple of proms going on because there were lots of teens in their low-cut stylish interesting gowns taking pictures with their parents. I was struck at how the fashion has changed so little since the '90's when I went to prom (late '90's, but still, that makes me feel old). I hope by the time Z is old enough to go, he won't have to wear a satin turquoise vest and bow tie to match his date's turquoise gown.... Note: I never wore turquoise...

1 comment:

  1. I LOVE his hair!! He is going to be such a ladies man :) We saw some prom kids at a restaurant last weekend and I was shocked, too! By the time MC and Z are big enough, girls may not be wearing enough of a dress to coordinate with!
