We have a pretty steady routine with Z, wake up, go to school, come home, go to bed (with a few things mixed in). Hubs drops Z off, and I do the pick up, which ranges anywhere between 4:30 and 5:59 (they close at 6). You would think the pick up would be the good time, but you would be wrong. Many days Z is in a mood. He's hungry, thirsty, tired, etc., which translates to whining, sometimes the whole way home. Many days Mommy is in a mood, exhausted from her long day, annoyed by traffic, etc., which translates to silence. Yes people, I sometimes drive silently while my little sweetness whines in the back seat. In my defense, what can I do? Snap my fingers and get home? Go back there and put on a show for entertainment? Sing songs and make faces? (Okay, I can do that, and admittedly when the mood is right, I have been known to do that.) Sometimes I think he just needs to get it out of his system, and I require just a few more minutes of quiet.
So, there is my mommy moment, take it or leave it. Now onto the good stuff. Z still loves to read books, sing, and dance. He's gotten more and more into TV lately too, namely Blue's Clues, Dora the Explorer, and Sesame Street. He loves to count and go through the alphabet. The counting sounds something like this,
"wa, tooo, weee, hoor, fi, ick, seb-dy, ay, ny, deh... Yaaaaay!"
He helps me sing the alphabet song by chiming in on the L, P, S, X, Y, Z and "Meeeeee." It's the most fun ever! Okay, that makes me sound like a freak, but I do get joy from these new skills.
We went to Barnes and Noble for a little bit after we ate, and Z played with the trains. He absolutely loved it.
Z has been doing really well at school lately. A lot of his friends have moved up to the next classroom, which concerned me a bit that he hadn't moved up, but the teacher reassured me that he was next and it was really only because of his birthday not because he wasn't ready. She also told me that he sees his old friends at "recess" and they always meet up, hug or shake hands, and talk to each other. I really like hearing stories about how Z interacts at school. It's like a whole other side to his life that I don't get to see.
I have no idea what direction this blog will end up taking. For now, I'm just gonna let Z lead the way, and we'll all follow.
Agreed- the ride home is the worst. I can a lot of snacks on hand and just keep passing them to the back seat. Usually it's things from my lunch that I didn't have time to eat- a banana, cereal bar, etc. But it keeps her happy for most of the ride.