Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Z's First Birthday, Part 1

Z is almost 1, which means it's almost time to PARTAY (sorry, I know that's corny). But seriously, we are really excited for his party which is going to be a few days after his actual birthday. We have been trying to get the house ready for a while now, but as far as the other planning, well, let's just say thank goodness we have this weekend to plan. In our defense, Nick and Z have been under the weather lately (which is why the pictures have been a little scarce). Thank God, Nick is much better, and Z just has this persistent runny nose. Oh, the joys of daycare school.

Anyway, I did manage to get his invitations/announcements printed and sent out, and I absolutely love them! I wanted them to be more of a keepsake than anything, also a good use for the monthly photos we have been taking for the past year. So, here it is. This is just a scanned image (much cuter in person, if you ask me :))

More details on the big day to come!


  1. Cute invite Lora! What a great use for all of those photos! It is cool to see how he still looks like he did when he was a newborn but yet he has changed so much. Happy birthday Zayd!

  2. Super cute!! Love seeing all the monthly pics together! How come when I see everyone else's pictures like that I think how the baby still looks the exact same, but when I look at C's early monthly shots I think they look nothing like her?!? :)

    Can't believe our sweet babies are one! I wish time would slow down just a bit!
