Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Pregnancy #2: The First Trimester

I know I have a lot of catching up to do on this pregnancy thing, kinda dropped a bomb on you guys! I am thankful that the first trimester is stowed nicely in the back of my mind and slowly phasing itself out of my memory. It was not the most fun. So, let's start at the beginning.

I found out I was pregnant the Friday we left for Ohio, and I did something I never thought I would do, took the test in secret. I not only never thought I would do that, I didn't really understand when other women did it, but now I do. Because, A: I knew I could handle the news either way, and B: I thought Nick might think I was crazy and try to stop me from taking it, because it seemed unlikely that it would be positive. Anyway, so I took it (in secret) and saw a faint line. I actually kept the secret the whole day until that evening right before we went to sleep. I think I said something along the lines of, "Want to hear something crazy?" And I spilled the beans. In an ideal world, I wanted to wait and test again when we got back and then tell him, but I couldn't stand it. I did, however take 2 more, one a different brand, which is another thing I surprised myself by doing, because I know that a positive is a positive, but I guess you just do it to convince yourself.

So, it was confirmed with a blood test at my doctor's office and in keeping with the theme of secret-keeping, we held the news pretty close for a while.

The very first symptom I noticed occurred before the actually + sign, and it was hunger. I felt really hungry and wanted fried chicken. Somehow it felt different. Anyway, that went away pretty fast and the fatigue and nausea hit at around 6 and 1/2 weeks. The nausea was bad, it was the kind of nausea that is not relieved by anything. I even woke up in the middle of the night a few times with it. I never got sick, but it was definitely worse than with Z. Nick bought me some ginger pills from whole foods (Morning Sickness Bliss or something like that), and that actually took the edge off a little. I was really worried because we were going to Nashville in the height of my sickness. Somehow, though it got a lot better on that trip and never really returned at least not with the vengeance it had carried before (if you're calculating that's about 2 and 1/2 weeks of sickness, which I'm thankful for because I know it could have lasted much longer).

The other symptom that comes to mind is indigestion/reflux. Not much to say about that except, man it sucked is still going. Sometimes it has been so intense that it makes me feel nauseated. THAT I do NOT remember having with Z.

I had a little progesterone level scare in the very beginning, so I had to get blood drawn quite frequently. That meant lots of excuses for why I needed help with Z appointments. I'm super thankful that that's all over, and everything is looking good now (that's an understatement)!

Here are the pics from first trimester

The second picture is about 9 weeks.

Stay tuned, there's more to come.

Tuesday, December 27, 2011


 I haven't had a chance to upload all my pics, but I managed to get this one up of Z and what was possibly his favorite (albeit, a last minute surprise from Santa Gaxiola) toy that he received this year!

Hope everyone had a great one! We sure did, and the fun is just beginning!

Saturday, December 24, 2011

Happy Everything!

From The Gaxiola's!

Christmas Break Part 1

So, we've had some excitement around here the past few days, I'm not even sure where to start! I was supposed to have my big gender reveal ultrasound next Tuesday, but my dad used his connections to get me one in Sylacauga. I mean I've waited long enough already! So, Nick and I both took Thursday off and drove down, and we arrived just in time to have (a big) lunch at the hospital with dad. Then we went to the house, put Z down and drove back into town (in the pouring rain) for the ultrasound. The doctor's office was closed, so we were the only ones in there, VIP style.

I had decided to make 2 sets of cake balls for the reveal, one blue on the inside and one pink and have the tech place the picture in the corresponding bag and seal it up. I wanted us to all find out at the same time. So, after a full hour of looking at our little sweetie, we headed home with our cake balls. We all got one out, took a bite, and they were PINK!
*excuse the roughness, that would be due to aforementioned pouring rain

I am first and foremost so thankful that the little bean is growing normally and healthily, and THRILLED it's a girl! After all, I have been suppressing my desire to look at hair bows and dresses for over 2 years now!

The funny thing is that I am in disbelief that it really is a girl. I tried to buy her a little dress for Christmas next year, and I couldn't do it, because I couldn't see a child of mine wearing a dress. I'm sure I will get over that soon!

We spent the night and had a nice big breakfast, came home rested and headed to Zoolight Safari! It was really nice, and Z was darting off in different directions the whole time. It was kind of exhausting, but I'm glad we did it. 

After chasing after Z seeing the sights, we were pretty hungry, so we went to Brio for dinner. Besides Z tossing a couple of crayons and pieces of chicken across the restaurant, it was a successful dinner venture. I saw that Santa was upstairs at Brookwood Mall, so we went in to give it a shot. Z was stuck to Nick for a bit, but he was okay, until we suggested he go see Santa, then he ran away screaming "noooo!" We figured, best not to push it.

 This morning, we let him open one of his presents from Nana and Tata (a.k.a. Santa) an Elmo guitar. He loves it!
Can't wait to see him in the morning when he opens all of his presents and sees his stocking!

It's a...

Monday, December 19, 2011

The Signs

Well, some of you may have seen the signs, but in case you haven't, here is a clear one!
Yes, we are expecting! Due May 24, 2012!

Stay tuned for more details and pretty much all you ever wanted to know and everything you don't want to hear about too.

Atlanta Anniversary

This weekend we went to Atlanta for our 5th anniversary, which was on December 16. Nana and Tata graciously came to watch Z, so we could have the weekend to ourselves. We left Friday morning and went straight to our hotel where we found this.
 Hmm... What happened here? I guess it's just proof that you can never really leave your child. There will always be something there to remind you. Of course, the bedding here is pink, which still left me confused. After profuse apologies and about 3 nice people, the baby bed (and accoutrements were removed) and we were back to our adults only weekend.

The first thing I did was take a nap, and Nick worked out. That night had a wonderful dinner at Fogo de Chao, a Brazilian steakhouse where waiters bring endless supplies of delicious meat along with a fresh salad bar with veggies and cheeses. It was fantastic. Then we went to The Nutcracker at the Fox Theater, which was great but also littered with small children. 

The next day was all about shopping. Well, really browsing, because we didn't end up getting that much. We had some great salespeople who were giving us restaurant recommendations and cracking jokes with us, and we had some weird ones, like the guy who asked Nick "Why would you spray cologne on your clothes?" Obviously, we didn't buy any cologne from him...

That night we had Thai food at this great little local spot call Little Bangkok and went to a movie. I ate so much, I got a little ill, but it was worth it.

It was so nice to get away 'just because.' I am so grateful to Nick's parents for keeping Z so we could enjoy some time together. Sometimes it seems like we only talk about family or work, and it gave us a chance to talk about everything and nothing. I know, that sounds crazy, but I appreciated that.

Z had a big time back home with Nana and Tata. He got to open some of his presents early, including a basketball hoop that Aunt Talia got him. I know I am clearly a biased parent, but he was good with that thing. He already impressed us with his dribbling skills when we got him a basketball in Nashville, but with the hoop, he was shooting and scoring repeatedly, with good form. I'm just saying...

Doesn't he look relaxed?? He doesn't have a care in the world!

Monday, December 12, 2011

Overdue Update

So, what have we been up to these days? Well, we are drinking out of a cup pretty regularly (at least with meals).
 Having some fun with accessories

And talking up a storm! Z is very curious and asks, "what's that?" quite regularly. When you tell him, he usually repeats it pretty well and also remembers it the next time you ask. For example, Nick taught him  "money" one morning and by the end of the day when he asked what it was Z knew.

We are definitely in a holding pattern routine when it comes to Z. He wakes up between 7 and 7:30 gets dressed and eats a little breakfast, usually dry cereal or a waffle. He sits in his booster and watches stuff on the iPad. Nick takes him to school and I pick him up. On the way to school, they usually listen to toddler tunes, and on the way home we look for "peece cars, ambances, fiyer trucks," and any other interesting vehicle that might be driving down 280. When we get home, he's back in the booster with the iPad eating some combination of chicken nuggets, fish sticks, cheese, yogurt, raisins, Chef Boyardee (a recent addition), and occasionally finishes the meal off with fruit snacks (nacks).

Then we play a little. The other night we put Wipeout on for him. He loves that show! And, the past few nights we "toss around the football." I know my child is 2, and I'm totally ridiculous biased but the kid has an arm on him! We have also begun a tradition where we read a book while he's in bed, then sing Itsy Bitsy Spider while doing the hand motions with his Winnies (yes, there are 2 now) and he sings along. He usually picks up one of his 2 elmos (one is miniature) and does the hand motions with us.

On the weekend, we'll take him to the park, out to eat, and spend time "dow-stairs," which is where his train table is located. He loves playing downstairs!

There are so many things that have happened lately that I have wanted to document that I can't even think of them all. He is so lovable and free with the kisses and hugs. He even kisses the phone during facetime with grandparents (believe me, I take full advantage of that). We feel so blessed and thankful to have such a precious little boy in our lives!

Monday, November 28, 2011

Thanksgiving 2011

My fam always spends Thanksgiving in Pensacola, but since things have been so busy lately, we decided to stay home and have Thanksgiving with just us (and my brother). I love this time of year, I love the days off, the eating, music, shopping, basically everything. And, I am so thankful for the many blessings in my life.

We planned our Thanksgiving menu about a week ahead of time and got about half of it on Sunday. I was off Wednesday and Z's school was open (score), so I was able to go get the other half of our ingredients then. It wasn't until about 4 that we realized we didn't have dinner for that night, so I went back to Publix Wednesday evening (with Z) and picked up the ingredients for baked ziti. That was not so fun, but the ziti was great, and even Z ate it (which is rare). Nick had bought Skyrim for the Xbox and he surprised me with a Nintendo 3DS, which I now am thinking was a distraction for me so he and Faris could play Skyrim for hours at a time and I would be occupied. But, I appreciated it, and I played my share. We were trying to recreate Thanksgiving 2 years ago because we played a lot of Mario and Z slept though the night for the first time. It was marvelous, and I think we came really close.

So, on Thursday morning, I made a monkey bread recipe that I saw on Pinterest and Nick started on the (15 lb.) turkey around 12. It was supposed to be fresh, but we found out that the inside was a little frozen. Nick had to run hot water through it, but eventually got it ready, stuffed it and put it in. Well, I think we underestimated how long it would take it to reach the correct temperature, and how long it would take to make the 5 sides we wanted when they could only go in one at a time, because we didn't get to eat until almost 8 o'clock! And, even then, we had to cut the turkey off the top and sides because the insides weren't done. There was going to be no more waiting, because we were all getting a little testy by that point, but it turned out great and oddly enough, it didn't take much for us to get really full. We had pumpkin pie (frozen) and banana pudding (homemade, thankyouverymuch) for dessert. They were delicious!

After we ate and cleaned up, Nick and Faris played 'the game,' I fell asleep, and before we knew it it was midnight. I suggested they get out and get into the Black Friday madness because they were already up, and they probably would spend the rest of the night playing that stupid game if they didn't get up and go do something. They went to the Target/Best Buy/Game Stop area, and found that apparently people were not in the Christmas spirit. Nonetheless, Nick found a good deal on a TV and bought himself the Nintendo 3BS Zelda version (I'm not kidding, people). I totally approved both purchases.

He still got up at a decent hour and we did drop 'n go at the Y for Z and did more shopping at the Summit. Although we didn't really buy anything, it was nice to get out by ourselves. Then we went out that night to the Galleria while Faris played Skyrim stayed with sleeping Z. Speaking of sleeping Z, he slept great the whole weekend! He went to bed around 7:30, woke up at 8, took great naps and was generally a pleasant little Thanksgiving companion! We got a lot of sleep too (at least I did). I finally ripped the boys away from 'the game' got to start decorating the house on Saturday. We watched the Iron Bowl while we trimmed the tree, and Z actually helped.
All in all, it was a great weekend! We enjoyed the quiet before my WHOLE FAMILY will be here during Christmas and New Year's! We haven't all been together in SO LONG, and I can't wait, but I can tell you one thing, quiet it will not be. (Hopefully, I will take more pictures then, too).

Thursday, November 17, 2011

Four Letter Word

Lately we have been hearing a lot of a certain 4 letter word around our house. The S-word? The F-word? No, the M-word: "MINE." Typically considered a harmless word, when utter uttered no less than 74,000 times a day, this word becomes infuriating! I'm not even going to speculate on where he might have learned this forceful exclamation of possession (a girl in his class), but I'm just going to say that I don't like it. And, I don't really know what to do about it either.

I understand that possession, i.e. Mama's pants, Baba's shoes, Zaydo's milk is an important concept to grasp, but geez does it have to be "My i-pag!, My Chee-O's!, My choo choo tain! My hair!, My nose!?" My nose? I mean, I'm not trying to take it from him or claim that it belongs to me! He usually takes claim of a body part when I am messing with it or cleaning it. I have been trying to combat it by saying, "No Zayd, we share!" Then he smiles sweetly and says "Share!" Sometimes, he'll hand it back to you, sometimes, he won't. Probably doesn't get it, but maybe one day that will stick.

You know, I just don't want him to become entitled and think he has a right to have anything and everything and that it all belongs to him. I guess the possession stage is just that, a stage. Hopefully, it will pass and we will learn something from it.

The other day he threw something (another ongoing problem), and I looked at him and said "Zaydd!" And he paused, looked down, then back up at me and exclaimed "TineOUT!" I said "that's right," then he said "go!" and he went. I had to stop myself from laughing. We have a designated little corner that he stands in for about 15 seconds then he runs back in for a hug and forgiveness. Again, not real sure how effective our method is, but it seems to be working for now.

Also, in preparation for potty training and so he won't be freaked out by poop, I tell him "Good job, Zayd!" when he poops. Well, now when I'm changing him he says "Good job, Zayd, poopoo." He also tells himself good job when he climbs into his chair by himself. He also, says "Aw, sweet" when he hugs you. He is becoming the great imitator.

I have not even picked up my camera in about 2 weeks. Sorry, but I'll get back to it soon.

Thursday, November 10, 2011

Things, Lately

Well, things lately have been busy! I know I know everyone is busy, it's annoying and a bit cliche, but it's true! Nick and I have both been swamped at work (you know when my blogging is reduced that my work is increased), and to top it off Z was sick this week, the horror. No really, when Z is sick it's like a major family crisis, all family members are involved!

He woke up Monday with a fever of 100.8. We considered that low-grade, motrined him up and sent him to school. Don't judge me, we had no choice! My mom was out of town, and we both had mucho going on at work. Well, imagine my surprise when I got a call at 3 that Z had a fever (this time 102.9), dang it! In my defense, you know he got it from one of those children who's parents did the same thing we had to do. Yeah, I know not much of a defense. We're bad people, just get it out of your system.

So, I had to quickly finish up here, and run over to school Motrin in hand to rescue my sick baby. He was pitiful, pitiful I tell you! His cheeks were on fire, eyes red with dark circles around them and mopey as could be. It was sad. We decided it was a sore throat because he kept covering his mouth and saying/whining "mouthhhh."

Thankfully, I got to bring him straight home and snuggle with him, and he spent the next day with Nunna at our house. He was over it by Tuesday night/Wednesday morning. Thank you Lord!

Now onto other things, the time change really messed us up. I, for one, think the government shouldn't mess with the time. I mean, seems a little out of their pay grade if you ask me. Z went to bed earlier to correspond with a normal time, but woke up in the middle of the night, crying you ask, no, singing. I'm serious, the child sang songs at 3 in the morning. In my half-dazed state, I could make out "twinkle twinkle" and "all aboard the choo choo train" (a favorite tune of his). We rarely, and I mean rarely go in there anymore, I mean he has to be crying like full on for more than a few minutes, and he really doesn't do that. Clearly, if he were ever going to, then Sunday night should've been it, because the next morning was when he had the fever. Would the singing have clued any of you in? Didn't think so....

We usually hear him singing or talking to himself in the morning too, and that's how we know he's up. I can't believe it, but he hasn't made his way out of the crib yet. We are planning on converting it to a toddler bed soon, but I have to admit the sense of urgency is just not there since he hasn't figured out/gotten the nerve to climb out, yet. I do, however feel it could be any day now.

He cracks himself and us up on a daily basis with his funny words and faces. He's really super lovable (most of the time, I mean, everyone has their moments right). We are disciplining with timeout, which is only effective sometimes. He also sends himself to timeout on occasion. Whenever he gets into something he shouldn't or spills something, he says "Zaaaayda!" Which is exactly how I say it. So, I do think he understands when he does something wrong.

We now have the routine of reading a book to him while he's in bed. It is usually The Very Hungry Caterpillar, which he has basically memorized. Then, we have to sing "Itsy Bitsy Spider" while puppeting the hand motions on his 2 winnie the pooh's, and he joins in with his elmo. Then, he lays right down and knows it's time. That's not to say that he doesn't cry sometimes or stay up playing, but usually he knows that the routine means it's time to sleep.

Some funny things he's saying lately are
fire truck, which sounds like "a fiyer teee-RUCK"
"How 'bout??" then he fills in the blank with a food or song or animal he wants to make the sound to
When he hands you something, he says "Cake you, ya welcome"
He calls the TV, "teebee" and when he doesn't like something that's on, he says "no, no teebee"
He loves to request a show, then when it starts, he says no to it. We did this about 10 times when he was home sick.
He loves going downstairs and upstairs for that matter. We have taught him to go down the stairs on his bottom, so he goes to the basement door and sits on his bottom and waits for you to come open the door and go down with him. Of course, we have to go down on our bottoms too.

Sorry, no pictures in this post, I'm running out of room!

Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Trick or Treat!

We were so excited to take Z trick or treating this year. We were out of town during Halloween weekend last year, besides the fact he was only 1, so we missed it, but we weren't going to miss it again this year. We loaded him up in the wagon and headed over to the street one over from ours, that where all the action takes place, because it's the flattest and the longest.

Z loves "canny" and "chocate," but I wasn't sure if he would get the whole concept of trick or treating. I think he got it by the end, because he was saying "more, more canny's."

Don't you love how many uses we've gotten out of this Thomas outfit? I know I do!

Our very first house.
He was loving the big spiders on this house
Going through the loot
He just gave these tootsie pops one lick, then he was on to the next. I think Z's first trick or treat adventure was definitely a success!

In other news, I had my first EVER trick or treaters! We left a bowl of candy when we went, but then when we got back we had some musketeers and superheros ring the doorbell and much to my delight shout "trick or treat!" My heart smiled!

We never had any trick or treaters growing up because of where we lived, and Nick and I lived in a condo when we got married, so it has been my dream to hand out candy and it was fulfilled this year!!

Monday, October 31, 2011

"Kunkin" Patch

Ever since the first pumpkin I pointed out to Z (in Walgreens, I think), he has loved them. He rarely lets a pumpkin pass him by without pointing it out. Of course, he calls them "Kunkins." While we missed out on the pumpkin patch adventure last year, I knew it would be a must for this year. We actually went on the last day it was open, but we still made it!
We were excited to join Miss MM and her parents. BTW, these first 3 pics were taken (and edited) by MM's mom. I love them!

 Good thing MM's daddy was gone by the time this happened ;)

Between the animals, the hayrides, and the pumpkins, Z had an awesome time! We can't wait to take him trick or treating tonight!

Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Boo at the Zoo

Last Friday night we took Z to Boo at the Zoo. First, I would like to say that this time of the year is the best for little ones. I was pretty exhausted from a long week of work as was the hubs, but we rallied for Z. I knew if we didn't make time for it, it would never happen.

I brought Z to Nick's office to pick him up and have Z change into his costume. We made the rounds, and he was in a friendly mood. He kept showing everyone his "choo choo tain."

What else can you do with a bowl full of gem clips just within your reach? (does anyone even say gem clip anymore?)

 Straight from 'Sodor'

We got to the zoo around 5:40 and the crowds were already in full force. 

 So, we rode the carousel... backwards, made me motion sick, but Z liked it

 Walked to the petting zoo
Talked to the animals
 Had a dance party
No really, y'all should have seen this kid. He was dancing up a storm in the kiddie night club they had going on. That was the highlight of the evening!

We played some games, most of which entailed throwing, which made them big hits with Z! We went on a hay ride, went trick or treating, ate sweet tarts and bottle caps until our teeth hurt, and looked at all the lights.

We attempted to ride the train, but 40,000 people had the same idea at that moment, so we called it a night. We left at 8:00! It was a big night for the Gax's!