Little Lu is 6 months old! She turned 6 months on Friday, which I thought would be great because I would have lots of time to take lots of good pictures. Instead Friday was quite busy and I was squeezing her photo session in between the thousand other things I was trying to do, yet again. But oh well, at least we got some in.
Probably shouldn’t have done them so close to naptime.
She is (as I said to a patient the other day) just a big bucket of sugar! I am so thankful for her sweet little demeanor (so far) and everything about her! She can sit unassisted for just a few seconds, and she’s very grabby. She loves playing with Z’s toys and has even taken a liking to Winnie…. Good thing he has two!
She has been a lot little stuffy these days and I think that’s been messing with her sleep.
She’s started eating solids, mashed bananas to be exact. It has taken her several tries, but I think she’s finally getting the concept. Her poops seem to confirm that theory. Next up, just in time for Thanksgiving, sweet potatoes!
So all her hair :)