Monday, July 1, 2013

Lu 13 (and a half) Months

I get so behind on here sometimes, I don’t even know where to start, but Lu has been taking steps for over a week, and I haven’t so much as mentioned it! Shame on me! Last Saturday, we watched her take one baby step then fall, and over the past week she has advanced to taking 1 or 2 then falling. She seems to be very cautious so far.

At Jude’s party, we went to play in the baby area and she found these foam blocks. She would pull up on one, pick it up for a second and throw it back down. It kinda reminded me of those strong man competitions where they pick up giant logs and cars, (I know, but I said kinda).




She was very proud of herself.

And, in case you can’t tell those are size 1 feet holding up that sweet little body, dress, hairbow, and giant block. No wonder it’s hard for her to go more than one or two steps!

She talks all the time, and her favorite saying right now is “ah-bidah.” It means, hey look at me!

She has started waving like full arm style, but only does it after the fact, like ‘say bye Lu,’ ‘oh well she’s not going to do it,’ then we walk out and she does it. Isn’t that what all babies do? It’s like they are telling you, hey I’m not going to be your little performance monkey. I do things on my own time.

Here is some video proof

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