Monday, March 7, 2016

February Recap: 2016 Marathon

This year my mom joined my dad for the half marathon. They walk together all the time, and by together, I mean, they always leave at the same time, and Dad usually walks ahead of Mom and talks on his phone (to other family members usually), and mom walks at her own pace, hair down (always!) and they come home and eat brunch together. They always wait and go together, but they never stay together for long. It's kindof hilarious.

And apparently, the marathon was no different, but they managed to cross the finish line together, holding hands and waving to their adoring fans. My parents, everyone! Haha!

They ran with some friends, and a photographer from took a similar picture to this and posted it to the webpage. It was fun that my babes got to be on :)

The marathon has become old hat to my Dad. I'm so proud that no matter who joins or doesn't join, he does it! Even if he never does another one, he'll always have 4 medals, and I'm so proud of him for that!

And, I'm so proud of my mom! She had her doubts (although none of us did), but she did awesome! When you ask her if she's going to do it again next year, she'll tell you definitely, "oh no, honey, I'll never do that again." 

Haha, know the feeling. Marathon #4 in the books (literally).

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