Tuesday, October 20, 2009


Swings, pacifiers, bouncy seats, gas drops, swaddle blankets... The gear babies require these days is truly unbelievable. You have to get it all, because you don't know what your baby is going to require. As I sit here bouncing my baby in his bouncy chair, I am thinking about all of the stuff we have bought to keep the little guy happy. My baby is going to sleep anywhere, I thought or at least I prayed that would be the case. Little did I know that not only is he particular about his sleeping, but also he changes every single day. One day the swing keeps him quiet for a while, the next day he hates it and the vibrating bouncy seat does the trick. Many days, we exhaust all of our soothing efforts to no avail!

Somehow we expect an infant who has no idea what's going on around him to follow some kind of predictable pattern, and we expect it to fit perfectly into our lives! Babies don't work like that. They have only their God-given reflexes until they are mature enough to understand the world around them, and remembering that helps me maintain perspective on this human being who has just been introduced into the world.

Here are some sleeping pictures, just to document that he does in fact sleep, sometimes.


  1. Seriously, Lora, he is so cute. And I can say this with a bit of authority bc I have one of those little men too! I love all of the sleeping pictures!

  2. Of all your pictures I have to say that the top picture of Zayd is my favorite!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Seriously, you should enter that puppy into some type of photo contest...
