Friday, March 12, 2010


Z has now mastered the ba-ba-ba sound. Interestingly, "Baba" is "dad" in Arabic and what Nick wants Z to call him. Now, I remain to believe that these two facts are unrelated, because clearly Z is going to say Mama before he says Baba, but I digress. He seems to do it when he's a little irritated, and until this point, he has not let us capture it on video (he stops the minute he sees the phone in his face).

Enough talking, here's the video.  For some reason, blogger won't let me upload video, but here is a link (I hope it works).


  1. Yes he does look a little irritated with that frown going on. I think maybe he is saying Baba and wanting to know where he is! He's gonna be talking early I think cause he is trying really hard right now. Your in for many years of hearing that voice saying Mama. Nana

  2. Oh my gosh. This is the cutest thing EVER!! Love the little doggie outfit, too.
