Monday, July 12, 2010

First Day of School... Beware Emotional Readers

Today is Z's first day of school. We have been anticipating this day for a very long time, and it is finally here. Nick has the honor of dropping him off, and I will be picking him up. That really works best with our work schedules (and it's better emotionally for me). Speaking of emotional, he sent me these pictures along with a message that read "he didn't do too bad."

I know, they are horrible. It was like torture. I cried.

One of the many things we like about this center is that they have webcams. So, you will be glad to know that shortly after Nick left Z was fine, and he is actually sleeping there now!


  1. Awww!! Nick showed me the class on the internet today and it looked like Z was having a great time!!! I know it's hard for y'all, but I bet he is loving it.

  2. That second picture made me laugh out loud! Z will be loving it in no time! It took C a few weeks to get used to her new class, but now she reaches out for her teachers when we get there!

    That's neat that they have webcams! Although I'm sure I would not get a thing done at work if we had those. :)
