Thursday, January 5, 2012

Calling All Blog Friends

As you guys know, Z has had his pictures done by the amazing Heather Swanner since he was 1 week old. It is such a treat to work with her.
She has a contest going on right now (until the 11th) for best picture of 2011, and one of Z’s pictures is part of the contest! This is my shameless plea for votes: Please please vote for him!! The winner gets a free session next year (and we’re gonna need that soon ;)
You can vote here (only once from a computer) by leaving a comment. To vote for Z, just put “#66-stop and smell the roses” in the comment line.
Thanks friends, and congrats to everyone on the list. The pictures are all amazing!

1 comment:

  1. Ha!! Our posts are almost identical! Love it! Good luck. :)
