Tuesday, May 1, 2012


Z has become increasingly rambunctious lately. I have actually confirmed that with his teachers at school who noted he “has a lot of energy these days.” I’m not loving the fact that this new burst in energy is going to coincide with the birth of his little sister.

Exhibit A


On a positive note, Z has been eating so much better and more these days. We are prescribing to the French philosophy of few (if any) snacks and few (in any) choices. If you’re not hungry and you know mom will offer more appealing options then why would you try something new? Now, I’m not saying he eats tofu and sauteed spinach, but he’s broadened his horizons a bit from chicken nuggets and fish sticks.

I still really don’t know what my child care plans are going to be when I return to work. This makes me nervous. When we were discussing the options, Nick admitted that he just realized that 2 kids in daycare, means the tuition will be doubled. The fact that he just figured that out also makes me a little nervous.

I am probably going to gain about the same amount of weight with number 2 that I did with Z. Maybe a couple of pounds less, although I feel like the pattern has been totally different. I am definitely in that forgot-what-it-feels-like-to-button-pants period right now where I feel like I’ve had this belly forever.

My mom’s mom is in town, so it has been a treat to see her while I’m pregnant.


IMG_7267I have been wanting to take maternity pics with Z, but I haven’t been able to coordinate it. Here’s the best we have from the other night.


I realized the other day that the only pictures I have out or hanging in my house are of Z. We look like we are obsessed with our child, which I guess we are.

One of my absolute favorite things Z does right now is come up to me or Nick and give us a hug and say “that’s my mama” or “that’s my baba.” It totally melts my heart. He also periodically will look over and say with enthusiasm “hey mama!” or “hey baba.” I love his happiness and especially his innocence.

If you’ve seen Nick in the past year and a half, you probably know that he has braces. We are so excited that he’s getting them off this week, and he’ll finally being showing those pearly whites in pictures again!


As many arguments and issues as my bro and I have had over the years. I’m thankful that we are able to be so close. I love that he and Nick are so close too and that Z loves his “Uncle Faris.” We always say he’s gonna be Z’s cool uncle that he wants to be like (but we’ll have to watch that).







By the way, this has been my fun with Pioneer Woman Photoshop actions portion of the post. These are pictures from our evening out with my grandmother and another family friend who was in town.

I’ll leave you with this:



  1. Great pics...love the one of your mom & little one, adorable!

  2. Love all the pictures! You think Zayd has been watching Nick smile with all his toothless smiles?

    1. That's so funny. I didn't even notice that!
