Monday, May 10, 2010

Mother's Day

We had another awesome weekend with the family that went by way too fast. Unfortunately, I didn't take too many pictures with my good camera, but I have some iphone pics I can share. Friday, Z and I hung out as usual and made an impromptu grocery run, as I was asked to make dinner at 4:30 that afternoon because my mom was just getting back from helping my sister pack. They are moving out of their house in Pensacola to a new house. Anyway, I took off to Publix without even thinking about where I would put Z. I usually wear him in the grocery. Of course, it was also like 90 degrees, so I wasn't jazzed about strapping his warm self to me. It usually causes us both the sweat. So, my only option was to put him in the cart. Anyone who goes to Publix knows that they have those giant green hummer of grocery carts grocery carts that are made for kids. Well, we had a bad experience with that thing once when Z was really little, and I vowed never to try and navigate one of them again. And, because I never thought I would do anything but wear him in the grocery store, I had nothing to put between him and the cart except a t-shirt that I keep in the car in case of drafty restaurants and such. Anyway, this was what resulted. Admittedly, I think it's adorable seeing him in the cart. I just can't believe my baby is old enough to be doing this!

He's got the grocery store feet to go along with it ;)

A puppy? Nope, that's my child. He has officially discovered his tongue and is all about it! I promise he didn't lick that cart, though.

So, dinner was great, and so was the rest of the weekend. Z bought me these flowers, because they were the only ones tall enough for him to see.

Mom and I celebrated ourselves by going shopping on Saturday. Z behaved very well, and was approached by many a young woman. Here he is in the Juicy store ;)

After our Sunday walk, we went to Flip Burger to celebrate Mother's Day. We had 2 of their delicious milkshakes before dinner. That's my kind of celebratin'!
As you can see, Z has gotten really good at eating on the go. He ate part of his meal in the car and the rest in the restaurant.

He reaches for everything, even the camera ;)

These days, Z gets really hyper after and while he is eating his dinner. Below is an example. Enjoy


  1. First, please tell those other women to stay away from MC's man :-) Second, that video is so funny!! He is so adorable.

  2. He is so cute...I could just eat him up!

    I use one of those grocery cart covers, but I still get grossed out sometimes. C really does enjoy riding around that way, though.
