Monday, March 5, 2012

Mama Office and Weekend

We had an exciting weekend this past weekend starting with our 4D ultrasound. My dad is friends with the OB there, so he offered to let us have one there once I hit 28 weeks. Who could turn that down? Since we didn’t get one with Z, we were pretty excited to see what it was about. The ultrasound tech was so nice, she was the same one who did our gender ultrasound. We spent a good 45 minutes looking at her sweet little self and have a ton of pictures and a DVD of the whole thing! It was really great, and I definitely recommend it to anyone who is thinking of doing it.
First, we had to go to Dad’s office, a place where I spent practically half my childhood!

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photo 2 (3)
*Note: that pixelated paper is under the glass of dad’s desk and has been there since about 1990. It was a picture that was taken of us 3 and printed at a flea market (which was a huge deal back then). It says ‘3 Amigos’ at the top. We probably paid $7.50 for it. And, it’s not faded, I’m pretty sure it always looked like that.

Funny enough that Z was in my office the day before and I took this picture.


So, now we have Mama office, Baba office, and Jido office. He pretty much loves them all!
On the way home from the ultrasound I made another crucial stop and Sno Biz, a place where I spent a lot of time growing up. I can’t find one anywhere near here and when I saw that it was open, I knew Friday was the day. It was so worth it!

My sister came to town, so we had a great dinner and relaxed in a way you can only do when you’re in your childhood house! We stayed up late talking, slept in (even though the storms got a little crazy), had breakfast on Saturday and headed out to the gym together. Then, I got ready and met my mom and sister out shopping. It was fun, but I have to admit shopping has lost its luster for me due to the extra poundage. Don’t get me wrong, I’m not complaining, but I am kind of enormous right now. Okay, enough about that, I did buy some shoes and a few maternity friendly outfits, so it wasn’t a total bust.

We are looking for a new car for the babes, so when we got through shopping, hubs and I headed to look at the car we want, then after a quick trip to Barnes and Noble, we met the rest of the fam at The Pita Stop. By bedtime, we were all pooped! Sunday, we got up and walked to the park. Everyone was wearing sunglasses so Z insisted we get him some. These were readily available he loved them. He kept them on for the whole wagon ride.

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Z had a blast at the park, and even made a new friend. There is one ladder there that is a little advanced for him, so Nick has always told him, “you have to get bigger” to climb it. Well, on Sunday, he went right up it (with Nick standing behind him) and said “I got bigger!” Now, that’s the preferred way of climbing of course. He also loves turning the lights off and on and can barely reach the switch, but every time he succeeds he exclaims “I got bigger!”

His new thing is to exclaim “toooo!” when he’s talking about anything. Like “I got a drink tooooo!” I love it because it’s almost sing-songy the way he says it. 

We have made little progress on moving Z into his big boy room, but we have started planning the nursery a little. The weekends just go by way too fast!

On the pregnancy front, I am now 28 weeks and growing…

She is sprawled out all over. The tech on Friday had the probe all the way over on my side to see her little head, then moved up above my belly button to find her feet. I guess I knew she was spread out, but it was still kind of amazing.

I have been having braxton-hicks contractions now for at least 4 weeks. I get a handful a day depending on what I’m doing. I’m pretty sure I didn’t feel those that early with Z, but who knows? I’m just so thankful that I feel good and everything is looking good so far.

1 comment:

  1. You are TINY, Lora! Go back and look at my pics to see how huge I was at that point! :) You look great!
