Monday, March 19, 2012


I had been planning to write an update on Z’s progress on potty training for a while now, but I figured there was no rush, because there was really  nothing to tell, with the exception of one alleged incident at school (which I still don’t believe). Until Saturday he had had NO potty action of the number 1 or number 2 variety. We have been having him sit on the potty for a while, it just never really seemed to register why he was there. Then on Saturday night before bed, I was changing his diaper and he said something about tee tee (a word I’m not really fond of, but what’s the alternative?) on the potty, so we went and sat. He tried to do what he usually does which is sit for 1.5 seconds then get up and say “I’m done,” but because we had a little time, Nick and I sat in there with him and encouraged him. I told him he could have a popsicle if he tee tee’d and out of nowhere he started going (albeit all over his hands, because if you know Z, you know where his hands stay when he’s naked, and we are gonna work on that, just taking one thing at a time). We flipped out and gave him a popsicle and a sticker, and I’m actually still a little bit in shock. Then, on Sunday he pooped on the potty. He hasn’t done anything since, so I hope he doesn’t think it’s something he just has to do once then he doesn’t have to worry about it again. We shall see, but for now, we are encouraged.

As for the big boy room, I am much more encouraged by the progression in this category. The first night he slept without making a peep and we had to wake him up in the morning. The next morning he woke up early (when it was still dark) crying “What happened???” but still in his bed. The following morning we found him standing in the middle of the room crying “What happened???” Then on Thursday morning, he walked out of the room to the gate and yelled. So, on Friday I went and bought a childproofing mechanism for the doorknob, just in time for nap, which I figured would be a challenge. I put him down and he got back up after about 10 minutes or so and was whining (I think because he couldn’t get the door open). So, I went up there and explained that we have to go night night, then we can wake up and go outside, see Jido and Nunna, and do all the fun stuff you would ever want, but first YOU HAVE TO SLEEP. He must have gotten it, because I didn’t hear from him for about 2 hours. And, Saturday morning something truly glorious happened. We heard no crying or whining just the noises from the train table and sweet mumblings to self that we were accustomed to hearing on Saturday mornings when he would lay in the crib and wait on us to get him. Victory, at  last! So, we have survived our first week of life in the big boy room and I’m happy to report it has been a success…. so far.


  1. Awesome progress for your little man, sounds like he's going to be at a good point when little sis arrives! Wish Jessica was getting more consistent with the potty--oh, well, I guess it's a process :)

  2. The "what happened" comments made me laugh out loud! Sounds like he is doing great with both the bed and the potty! C always sits for a second and then says I'm done, so we try to make her sit longer, but we just haven't had much luck yet.
