Thursday, September 13, 2012

Son of a Dentist

You would think being the son of a dentist that Z would be up to his ears in dental checkups, but you would be wrong. Besides this time, I have just now gotten the time to coordinate his first visit, thanks to hubs who is OFF this week before he starts his new job. After all, I couldn't let him have a week off with nothing to do, right?!

I deal with kids a lot, usually the youngest we see them is about 3. I have some 3 year olds that act 30 and I certainly have some 30 year olds that act 3 (probably more of the latter!), so I wasn't sure what to expect from Z, but I really wanted him to impress Miss Susie (who cleaned his teeth, I wasn't about to try it myself). I was in and out of the room, but I would say that from what I saw he did pretty well. Sure, he didn't stay open much and his legs were flailing a lot of the time, but she was able to get a pretty good amount done on him, so I was quite proud. I think from now on, he'll be coming in about quarterly and not bi-annually like everyone else, after all, he is the son of a dentist, he has to live up to it.

I was very happy to come in and check my little patient

We even had a little fun

Lu got to visit too, and she was a little nervous about her first visit to mama's the dentist's office


  1. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  2. He looks so much different then when he was a baby in that same chair! He didn't have any cavities did he?

    1. I know, I just added the link to that post. He didn't thankfully, but one of his three year old molars is coming in though :)

  3. Go Z! C did awful at her last checkup- she refused to lie down & they had to clean her teeth sitting up! I was mortified. :)
