Wednesday, November 25, 2009

My Staff Holiday Party

The holidays are the best time to share your love and appreciation for the special people in your life. In my case, that would be my family and my wonderful staff. We had our second annual holiday party in the party room of my condo building. This year Adrienne (my assistant) and Zayd (of course) were our new additions.
I am very thankful for these three ladies. They all contribute to the practice in their own special way, and I could not do it without them! When I was off for maternity leave, I never once worried about how things were going, and that peace of mind is truly priceless! Not only that, but when I returned to work, I felt like I was going to my second home. Needless to say, I love these ladies like family, and I am very lucky to have them! Here are some pictures from the evening.

Me and the Special Guest, Zayd
Me, Zayd, Nunna, and Jido
Family Picture
The Spread

My Staff, Susie, Diane, and Adrienne
My Staff and Me

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